Upon arriving at work this morning at 7 a.m., I was met by a lovely surprise! Several of them in fact.
My co-workers left me a welcome back tie with rubber duckies on it and note pads with my name on them! There was even an extra little gift from one of our interns featuring a tiny MN license plate with "Jake" on it. I was overwhelmed with the thoughtfulness of my coworkers and overjoyed, once again, to be a part of such a great organization with such great people in it.
To top off the great support from my colleagues, my login and email and everything were also all changed over when I booted up the computer this morning. And, just a few moments ago, the head of admin for the department dropped off my new badges with the right name on them as well.
What a red-letter day! I am so thrilled to be back and work and getting lots of work done and being among such supportive co-workers. I am a very grateful person today. Thank you, universe!
This makes me smile big-time.